Tuesday, June 17, 2008


A doctor caught in a kidney scan….the son of a DGP of police convicted of rape and absconding….the student molested by her professor aged that of her father….a mother murders her daughter inorder to keep her illicit affair under cover….These are just a few examples…. Every news paper , Every news channel, carries the same story all day long.....everyday...

Why do we humans do what we do? Why do we take blatantly black and white , paint it gray and accomidate that in our living? Why are priceless mores thrashed, while senseless standards are obeyed? What makes us to elevate our body and degrade the soul? What motivates us to pamper the skin, while we pollute the heart?

The Answer….Our values are messed up. Thrills are going for high cost and the value of human beings are at an all time low. Can you guess where it all began…..It all began when someone convinced us that humans are headed nowhere. That man has no destiny. That we are in a cycle and there is no reason or rhyme to this absurd existence. Somewhere we got the idea that we are meaninglessly trapped on this spinning mud heap. Universe is purposeless… creation is incidental and humanity has no destination.

This is the reason behind all the trouble….If man has no destiny or duty…and if we have No absolutes…No principles…No ethics…. No standards… Life is reduced to weekends, paycheck and quick thrills. The bottom line of all this is disaster….you can witness that all around you….. The next logical step for man to have no destiny or duty is to have no value. If man has no future he is not worth…more than these trees or rocks…

Our system has gone haywire….we feel useless and worthless…we try to freak out and try playing games…we create false value system….You are valuable if you are pretty….You are valuable if you are rich….you are valuable if you can perform….You are valuable if you have degrees behind your name….your valuable if you draw a 6 digit salary and drive an imported car…

Value is measured by appearance and performance….Now where does that leave the retarded , or the ugly, or the uneducated. Where does that place the aged and handicapped? What hope does that offer an unborn child. Not much isn’t it.

Fortunately, Man’s value system are not God’s. His plans are bigger, brighter and beautiful. In Gods book man is heading somewhere. He has an amazing destiny. We are being prepared to walk down the church aisle and become the bride of Jesus. We are going to live with Jesus in the heavens, share the throne with him and reign with him. We are valuable…each one of us….valuable in his sight…And what’s more our value is inbuilt ….our value is inborn…