Friday, November 27, 2009
At the End of the End of days….
* Please note the closing remarks
Sixth Sense Demo –
Building a Brain in a Supercomputer
Wireless electricity, Energy, longevity….changes in Eu constitution…integration of banking systems, integration of legal system to follow…we are at the brink of a strategic timeline…that would swiftly end in the glorious appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The kingdom of God is at Hand. Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done. Rev 22:12
Monday, August 17, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
All these prophetic scripture verses would be read in the congregation on the Sabbath. The Jews knew every detail about the birth of messiah and were supposedly expecting. When the 3 wise man came to Herod’s palace asking for the born king. The chief priest and the scribes immediately said that he will be born in Bethlehem, immediately without any doubt, quoting the prophet Micah 5:2. They knew the scriptures, they knew the prophesies that were unfolding right in front of their eyes but were still blinded. Even Jesus himself proclaimed many times to be the messiah, but they not only refused to believe, they conspired and got him crucified.
Only Simon and Anna could recognize Jesus, because they were devoted and filled with the Holy Spirit. Whether the Jews believed it or not, whether the world likes it or not, in the fullness of time the words in the scriptures were fulfilled.
Gal 4:4, 5 says when the fullness of time came, God sent forth his son, made of a woman, made under the law; to redeem that were under law, that we might receive the adoption of the Sons.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Rakshana Deepam- A home for HIV/Aids Orphans

I entered Rakshana Deepam, a home for HIV/Aids orphans, a quiet place away from the hassles and hurried noises of the city. As we drove in, I met Sister Clarit, and introduced myself. I explained the purpose of my visit and she was glad to take me around the Home. The Kids rooms, Dinning hall, hospital, office building...etc. Sadly I could only meet a few kids as the others were taken to the osmania hospital for their regular health check-up.
I waited for the rest of kids, who had just got up from their afternoon nap. One by one they entered the reception where we were seated with a familiar smile on their faces. The kids were beaming with joy, and for a moment, the thought that these kids had such a dreadful killer disease simply slipped my mind. Since I wanted to see them smiling, I continued to hold on the smile on my face as long as I was there.
Sister Clarit told me that the kids were attending school in a near by convent. I was excited to know that the school management was very supportive. They say old habits die hard and in a country like
I spent some time there discussing with Sis. Clarit and thanked her for the hospitality. As we drove back, I tried to recollect the names of the children I had met. Though I could remember only a couple of them, my mind had frozen the picture of these smiling kids which once again filled my hearth with a warmth. I thanked the Lord for this opportunity and resolved to visit them again very soon and may be of some help in some way. I was reminded of what I had written in their visitors log before I left.
It is true that we may not realize it yet and even when we stand before that Lord on the day of judgment, with puzzled questions as to ask, “Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?”
As recorded in the scriptures, The Lord would truly truly say,” whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me".
May God bless this Good work and Operation Blessing partners who are making it possible.