Sunday, June 05, 2011


Who is God? Where is he?

The Lord is spirit. He is everywhere. On a personal note the bible adds " The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth - Psalm 145:18".

God is known in his creation, and he is close to every one of us. But he is not trapped in his creation—he is transcendent. God is the Creator, not the creation. This means that God is sovereign and in control, while at the same time he is close and personal. Let the Creator of the universe rule your life.

The Bible says, God is love - 1John 4:8.

God’s love for us is so unconditional. Not one of us has earned it, or deserves it. We are so fortunate to have his grace and love. Though we may do many good works… it does not earn God’s love.  He is The Creator, who loves the created so much that he became one of us. He is perfect love … in all it’s glory.

We can no more separate ourself from God’s love, then we could separate ourself from God. It is total, unconditional and will always seek out our heart. Even in the depths of sin, we hear the words of the creator in our hearts. My friend, we have been bought and paid for in blood. Jesus died on the cross as a perfect sacrifice for the atonement of our sins.  There is no way to separate ourself from that, unless we very willingly walk away, and even then … The Creator … calls us back and wants us to Him.

Be Blessed!!! You are loved … because GOD IS LOVE!!!!!

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